Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I have been Facebooked...

Ok, I believe I survived the MySpace fad, but the Facebook thing has hit me square in the head after request after request to have me be someone's friend...I went to a family get-together a few weekends ago and I was asked by nearly everyone if I had a Facebook page and that we should link up to share photos of the party and stories...bah! I finally caved in and added myself to the huge Facebook melting pot...My only concern was with being able to update yet another virtual entity online with blogging being my main focus since it helps me gather my thoughts...Anyways, I am now on Facebook, which is really not a big deal, but more virtual maintenance for me if it is to be taken seriously. I did find however that it is a clever idea with lots of interweaving of relationships. The privacy filters are very well thought out. The Add-A-Friend suggestion window is smart and probably entails tons of brilliant search algorithms. The in-browser utility toolbar with integrated instant chat is a wonderful implementation of AJAX technology on steroids...overall, lots of features, yet still not busting at the seams with overkill...which is great! I really enjoyed the way multiple people can jump into another's "wall" by commenting and leaving posts...It is really doing a great service to families who want to stay in touch...Focusing on searching for lost friends and catching up with new ones as well as posting photos, videos, notes, pulling in your blogposts from other sources is just as close to virtual addiction as you may find....
As my close cousin told me, "It's like crack son!"...

Cool stuff indeed...


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